Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Bridge expansion joints †performance and materials
Scaffold development joints †execution and materials 1.1 Introduction Development joints are utilized in scaffolds to permit developments like extension and withdrawal between the scaffold deck ranges and projections. These developments are caused because of temperature, soil settlements, vehicle speeding up and different reasons (Klaiber, et al., 1987 and Dagher, et al., 1993 as refered to in Thippeswamy, 2002). Extension joints are exposed to serious stacking because of the immediate effect of the wheels. They are a significant segment of an extension structure and if deliberately planned, appropriately introduced and sensibly kept up will give a difficulty free execution for a long time. In spite of the fact that joints are made of different materials like elastic, silicone and polymer they disintegrate since they are continually presented to affect, vibration of traffic and normal components like water, dust, bright beams and ozone (Chang Lee 2002). The solidness of development joints is a significant worry to connect proprietors. The support cost of joints is moderately high than the underlying cost .This prompted the plan of jointless extensions. Jointless extensions don't create worry because of erosion of joints, aggregation of flotsam and jetsam and differential height of joints (Thippeswamy, 2002). The conduct of the jointless extensions not known and the plans being muddled are not executed notwithstanding their favorable circumstances. This writing audit manages: attributes of a decent development joint that must be noted while plan a joint, deserts saw in extension joints, overview contemplates led on existing joints to examine their conduct and a few fabricates of scaffold development joints in the business. Studies on improving the exhibition of extension joints is directed, research on decreasing the expense of upkeep of the joints ought to be led. 1.2 Characteristics of a decent development joint A scaffold extension joint for legitimate working must be able to: oblige developments vertical and level way; withstand applied burdens; oppose slide and consumption; work quietly with less upkeep (Lee, 1994). Cost (1984) recommends that the exhibition of a joint is affected by auxiliary developments of the joint flat and vertical way, traffic stacking, materials utilized, state of the substrate, climate and temperature during joint establishment, workmanship and execution of orientation. 1.3 Commonly watched joint deformities Guzaltan (1993) as refered to in (Chang Lee 2002) concentrated some usually watched deserts in extension joints. They incorporate harmed seals, collection of flotsam and jetsam in the joint parts, rusting of metal plates and nuts, opening of solid, consumption of steel fortification, water spillage, inappropriate joint arrangement and joint vibration during vehicle section. Fincher (1983) as refered to in (Chang Lee 2002) presents the aftereffects of a review led by Federal Highway Administration during a multi year assessment period which showed that 60% of the extension joints analyzed spilled. Moreover, Wallbank (1989) as refered to in (Lee, 1994) clarifies that in a review led on 200 extensions by The London Department of Transport, the decay of the development joints was caused due to spilling and broken seepage subtleties. Chang and Lee (2002) directed an investigation to watch the exhibition of joints in Indiana and found that a few joints flopped because of breaks in the seal and proposed testing it before establishment. Issue tree displaying was utilized for subjective clarification of scaffold component cooperation yet could be utilized distinctly for cataclysmic disappointments (Attoh-Okine Bowers 2006). These models are not relevant to spans since they bomb over an all-inclusive timeframe. Deficiency tree models were additionally arranged by LeBeau and Wadia-Fascetti (2000) and Sianipar and Adams (1997) as refered to in (Attoh-Okine Bowers 2006). Another crumbling displaying dependent on conviction arranges that adequately catch and delineate the various leveled, association and vulnerability factors present in connect weakening was created by Attoh-Okine and Bowers (2006). Conviction systems are additionally called Bayesian conviction organizes and depend on Bayes hypothesis. The conviction arrange approach is more suitable than flaw tree examination since it very well may be utilized to research the parts of a scaffold including deck material, bra ces, course and projections affect disintegration. 1.4 Studies led on the presentation of existing development joints Chang and Lee (2002) led an investigation to watch the exhibition of the various joints utilized in the roadway connects in Indiana. Five famously utilized joints were: pressure seal (B.S), strip seal (S.S), essential projection (I.A), poured silicone (X.J.S) and polymer adjusted black-top (P.M.A). The information was acquired from poll review, investigation of Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) roadway the executives information and master interviews. Poll overview was led by offering surveys to the state connect investigators and designers around Indiana. The issues with joints were experienced and potential enhancements were recommended. The investigation of authentic information utilizing calculated relapse approach found that S.S joint had the best execution. The master interviews consider I.A joint to offer great outcomes and recommend improvement of B.S and S.S joints. An examination battle was led on 150 development joints of 71 street connects in Brisa, Portugal wh ere the upkeep cost arrived at a pinnacle of 25% (Lima Brito 2009). The joints introduced inside the traffic path of the extension were thought of. The development joints were portrayed dependent on their sort, and age of the scaffold. It was recorded that the joints utilized all the more as often as possible included fortified elastomeric pad joints, elastomeric adaptable strips, and asphaltic attachment joints. The information acquired from the examination crusade was measurably broke down. The outcomes demonstrated that joints that were supplanted generally oftentimes were elastomeric joints and that various joints have explicit support needs. The progress strip and the harbor holes of the extension joint are the parts that require more support. It was additionally seen that the mistakes during establishment and absence of support caused pathology of the joint. The consequences of battle directed show that there was a ton of progress in the business development joints and recomme nds examination on the new or improved frameworks and materials. It likewise proposed that straightforward frameworks with less segments are progressively solid and require less support. Black-top scaffold development joints when utilized in cool nations broke inside the initial two years. To improve the exhibition the business MEIJIA black-top folio was changed with polymers: thermoplastic elastic and elastic (Yu, et al., 2009). The polymers were utilized in different blends, and their exhibition at low temperatures is assessed by directing tests including: malleability, infiltration, roundabout pressure and twisting tests. The information from flexibility and infiltration tests performed on covers showed that the quality and twisting limit at low temperatures improved. Four development joints made with the changed black-top blends were introduced on two extensions in a cool district and found that the joints demonstrated great execution. 1.5 Assessment of extension joint execution utilizing checked information An examination was directed by to build up a method for check of the structure and assessing the state of development joint by observing joint relocation and extension temperature on a long haul (Ni, et al., 2002). This technique was applied to Ting Kau, link stayed connect in Hong Kong. The administration life and substitution of joint relies upon the aggregate dislodging. A precise expectation of the aggregate dislodging will give the time stretch to joint examination or joint substitution. Observing the warm developments at the extension joints and contrasting them and the plan esteems give check on structure. The entire framework had in excess of 230 sensors like anemometers, accelerometers, relocations transducters to quantify removals situated at the finishes of the deck, temperature sensors, strain checks, weight moving sensors and worldwide situating framework. A decent relationship between's the development of the extension joints and powerful temperature was watched. The da y by day normal combined removals of the development joints in the scaffold are substantially less than configuration esteems. Moreover observing frameworks had been actualized on numerous extensions in various nations by (Andersen Pedersen 1994; Cheung et al. 1997; Barrish et al. 2000; Sumitro et al. 2001; Mufti 2002; Koh et al. 2003; Wong 2004) as refered to in (Ni et al. 2002). 1.6 Effect of SSI and ground movement spatial variety Chouw and Hao (2008(a)) examined the impacts of soil-structure cooperation (SSI) and ground movement spatial variety impact on connect beating reactions for spans with a customary extension joint between nearby braces. The examination was directed on two contiguous extension outlines. It was affirmed that structures that are based on firm soils may encounter bigger beating powers than those on delicate soils. It was likewise analyzed that decline of ground movement relationship caused bigger beating reactions. Numerical reproduction was directed by nonlinear powerful reaction examination and researched beating alleviation and counteraction of unseating in the roadway connects because of seismic powers (Raheem, 2009). It was seen that seismic beating creates essentially higher size and brief term speeding up beats than normally expected plan size. This outcomes in extreme effect powers that harm auxiliary individuals like the deck or dock. Furthermore the impacts of SSI and scaffold b eating reaction for spans with secluded extension joint framework (MEJS) were watched (Chouw Hao 2008(b)). It was reasoned that the braces with a huge hole of a MEJS
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ulysses S. Grant Persuasive Essay Example For Students
Ulysses S. Award Persuasive Essay Ulysses S. GrantOn April 27, 1822 a kid was destined to Jesse Root Grant and HannahSimpson Grant in the unassuming community of Point Pleasant, Ohio. They named theirson Hiram Ulysses Grant. In 1823 the family moved to a town close by calledGeorgetown, Ohio, where Ulysses father claimed a tannery and somefarmland. Award had two siblings and three sisters conceived in Georgetown. Ulysses went to class in Georgetown until he was 14. He then spentone year at the foundation in Maysville, Kentucky, and in 1838, he entered anacademy in close by Ripely, Ohio. Right off the bat in 1839, his dad discovered that aneighbors child had been excused from the U.S. Military Academy. Jesseasked his congressman to designate Ulysses as a substitution. Thecongressman committed an error in Grants name. He believed that Ulysses washis first name and his center name that of his moms family name. ButUlysses never adjusted the error. We will compose a custom paper on Ulysses S. Award Persuasive explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Award was a normal understudy at West Point. He burned through the vast majority of his freetime understanding books and brief period considering. He positioned high in math and wasvery great at horsemanship. Ulysses didn't care for the military life and had nointention of making it his profession. Rather he considered instructing mathematicsin a school. Award moved on from West Point in 1843 and was charged asecond lieutenant. He was relegated to the fourth Infantry Regiment stationednear St. Louis. It was there that he met Julia Dent. They began to look all starry eyed at and soonbecame locks in. The danger of war with Mexico deferred their weddingplans. In 1847, Grant partook in the catch of Mexico City and won apromotion for his expertise and fortitude. He arrived at the position of first Lieutenant bythe end of the war. Award came back to St. Louis when he could and onAug. 22, 1848, he was hitched to Julia Dent. During their marriage, theGrants had four kids: Frederick, Ulysses S. Jr., Ellen, and Jesse Root Jr. Common War EraGrant was right around 39 years of age when the Civil War started in 1861. Hehad liberated his solitary slave in 1859 and firmly restricted severance. AfterPresident Abraham Lincoln called for Army volunteers, Grant helped drill acompany that was shaped in Galena. At that point he went to Springfield, the statecapital, and worked for the Illinois partner general. Award approached the federalgovernment for a commission as colonel, yet his solicitation was disregarded. Twomonths later, Governor Richard Yates delegated him colonel of a regimentthat turned into the 21st Illinois Volunteers. Award drove these soldiers on acampaign against Confederates in Missouri. During two months ofcampaigning, Grant invigorated his memory about dealing with troops andsupplies. Upon the proposal of Elihu B. Washburne, an Illinoiscongressman, President Lincoln delegated Grant a brigadier general inAugust 1861. Award set up his home office at Cairo, Illinois, in September1861. He before long discovered that Confederate powers intended to hold onto Paducah,Kentucky. Award destroyed this arrangement by involving the city. On Nov. 7, 1861,his soldiers drove the Confederates from Belmont, Missouri, however the enemyrallied and retook the position. In January 1862, Grant convinced hiscommanding official, General Henry W. Halleck, to permit him to assault FortHenry, on the Tennessee River. As Grants armed force moved toward Fort Henry,most of the Confederates pulled back. A Union gunboat armada, sent ahead to aidGrant, caught the fortress without any problem. On his own drive, Grant at that point lay attack tonearby Fort Donelson. At the point when the post leader requested terms ofsurrender, Grant answered: No terms with the exception of an unqualified and immediatesurrender can be acknowledged. The Confederate leader acknowledged he had nochoice however to acknowledge what he called Grants ungenerous and unchivalrousdemand. Northerners blissfully proclaimed that Grants ini tials, U. S., stood forUnconditional Surrender. Award was elevated to significant general. On April6, 1862, the Confederates opened the Battle of Shiloh by propelling a surpriseattack on Grants powers at Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. The Union soldiers barelyheld off the foe until fortifications showed up. Steadiness brought Grant agreat triumph at Vicksburg, Miss. All through the winter of 1862-1863, histroops progressed against this Confederate fortification on the Mississippi River. .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea , .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea .postImageUrl , .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea , .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea:hover , .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea:visited , .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea:active { border:0!important; } .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea:active , .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea:hover { mistiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content embellishment: underline; } .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u9677230f3527baab88b614cb7e8a32ea:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The requirement for a concurred worldwide theoretical system EssayIn May 1863, Grant vanquished a Confederate armed force and afterward besiegedVicksburg. On July 4, 1863, the Confederates gave up. Award succeeded reliably in the West while Union officers in theEast were falling flat. From the get-go in 1864, Lincoln elevated Grant to lieutenant generaland put him in order of every single Union armed force. Award went to Virginia andbegan a crusade against the powers
The strategic life of Howard Hughes Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The key existence of Howard Hughes - Case Study Example vidual who was prepared to chance his value on innovativeness and developments and had observable endeavors and abilities of making and testing new thoughts (Frehner and Waldron, 2004). The life of Howard Hughes connotes precise techniques put into utilization to accomplish his own arrangements and achievement. He is a notable person who could use the accessible explicit assets to accomplish momentary objectives focusing on a characterized mission. Furthermore, this individual utilized an exceptional strategy for responsibility in any activity taken either without anyone else or for his benefit. Howard had unsatisfied hunger for information. He used hands-on strategy as an administration style to rouse and inspire his group (Higham, 2011). The immense propensity to separate individual and business life regardless of normal hardships was likewise another purpose for Howard’s achievement. He stayed gave and concentrated on transient objective accomplishment with a prudent strategic a drawn out objective. Howards individual techniques contain a few exercises used to give an upper hand in development and business enterprise. To reinforce his monetary soundness and seriousness, Howard Hughes was acceptable in conquering his shortcoming and benefiting from his qualities. In his life as a business visionary and an effective agent, Howard never settled on his objectives. It is important that as a business visionary and individual ought to see all the stages and objectives required for progress. His life brimming with battles demonstrates that never occupied him from accomplishing individual dreams. Remaining centered to the set objectives is one of the indispensable procedures for business entertainers (Frehner and Waldron, 2004). The methodology of getting the best representatives is one of Howard’s insider facts behind his prosperity. He utilized individuals whom he could trust and have an incredible fortune in them. The mystery behind being hands on is a procedure utilized by Howard. He was extraordinarily respected by his laborers as an ideal group pioneer who had bit by bit inclusion in his undertakings.
Friday, August 21, 2020
I Could Never Be So Lucky Again Essays - Doolittle Raiders
I Could Never Be So Lucky Again I Could Never Be So Lucky Again By General James h. Jimmy Doolittle This book is about a renowned pilot in World War II named Jimmy Doolittle. At the point when Jimmy was 14 he had a preference for boxing. To urge Jimmy to stop boxing his mother got him a bike. So he boxed expertly under the name of Jimmy Pierce. At the point when he was 16 he met a young lady named Josephine, however she was called Joe. For a long time Joe disregarded Jimmy however then she began to acknowledge him and they began to like one another. In any case, Joe didn't care for Jimmy boxing so he again began to box under the name of Jimmy Pierce. Be that as it may, when Joe discovered she was frantic. He at that point went to junior composition. At the point when he was youthful Jimmy had two objectives, to see the world and to fabricate things. In those days no one but specialists could manufacture things and just two sorts could see the world, structural architects and mining engineers, he decide to be a mining engineer. The initial two years of the mining engineer course was equivalent to the next building courses, math and science. He went to the celebrated Comstock Lode, thought the surge was finished. Something happened that mid year, a mining lift link broke with the mining chief and a digger on it and it fell 2,900 feet to the base of the pole. Since Jimmy was the just one with medical aid preparing he was let down. At the point when he got to the base he found the confine, his light went out so he made some hard memories finding the entryway, however when he discovered it and dropped in, the individuals were dead. He was raised up and excavators out of nowhere cherished him. At the point when Jimmy finished collection he and his companion joined the military. His companion joined the infantry. Yet, Jimmy joined the aviation based armed forces. First he turned into a teacher. On time he and an understudy were setting down, a plane under them hit the base of their plane and slammed, when Jimmy landed he headed toward the other plane yet the propeller had taken the pilot's head off. At that point he turned into an aircraft tester. While he was an aircraft tester he tried a few truly important security instruments, for example, the Turn and Bank marker and the homing reference point. Be that as it may, Jimmy had a trick sprit so he was the first to do the outside circle and set a few speed and time records. Jimmy additionally won a few races. Sooner or later Jimmy left the aviation based armed forces to work with shell. While he was at shell he traveled to South America for ad. He flew the nation over establishing another precedent for the most brief measure of time. At the point when World War II began he rejoined the aviation based armed forces as a significant avoiding the position of commander. He was given a top mystery venture that was to bomb Tokyo and other significant refers to. The reason for this was to deliver dread into the hearts of all Japanese who had been informed that they were strong. At the point when he got back he was granted the Metal of Honor a lot to the enjoyment of Jimmy and Joe who was Jimmy's better half. At that point he requested to go to Europe to be fighting against Germany. Around then there were a few aviation based armed forces divisions, the eighth, twelfth, sixth, and the ninth. The eighth is the preeminent flying corps. He told the twelfth for some time, however then was made leader of the eighth. At the point when he was instructing the twelfth he flew a great deal of missions that he shouldn't fly since he was an individual that thought about ultra, the German code that the British broke. At the point when he was made administrator of the eighth then he quit flying missions. He likewise got together with Bruce, a companion from his aircraft tester days, who had been released for pirating tequila and different things. Before planes had great bombsights planes would drop bombs on the well disposed soldiers since when the breezes changed pilots believed that the objective was under the smoke, so Jimmy said that they required progressively successful bomb sights which he got. Before the finish of the war he was
Friday, August 14, 2020
When Your Parents Disapprove of Your Marriage
When Your Parents Disapprove of Your Marriage Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems Print When Your Parents Disapprove of Your Marriage By Sheri Stritof Sheri Stritof has written about marriage and relationships for 20 years. Shes the co-author of The Everything Great Marriage Book. Learn about our editorial policy Sheri Stritof Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Carly Snyder, MD on January 26, 2020 facebook twitter linkedin Carly Snyder, MD is a reproductive and perinatal psychiatrist who combines traditional psychiatry with integrative medicine-based treatments. Learn about our Medical Review Board Carly Snyder, MD on January 26, 2020 Ghislain Marie David de Lossy/The Image Bank/Getty Images More in Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems LGBTQ Violence and Abuse It can be devastating when you think youve found Mr. or Ms. Right and your parents think he or she is all wrong for you. If youre close to your parents, you want their approval when taking this big step, but you also want to remain loyal to the person youre committing to spending the rest of your life with. The upshot: Youre torn with a capital T. Heres what to do (and not do) should you find yourself in this sticky situation. Talk (and Listen) to Your Parents Have a frank conversation with your folks about why they dont like your partner or approve of your union. Calmly and respectfully allow them to voice their objections. It may turn out that they just havent had enough of a chance to really get to know him or her. Or maybe their opposition is based on a misunderstanding of some sort. If you can get to the bottom of the problem, you may be able to reassure them that your fiance will make an ideal spouse. Conversely, theres also the possibility that your parents have a legitimate issue with your fiance: Maybe he or she has cheated on you in the past or has been too controlling or demanding. You may realize your parents concerns are valid and that you should seriously consider themâ€"and maybe talk them over with a trusted friend or family member to get their take. The bottom line: You may not like what your parents are saying about your significant other, but unless you have strong evidence otherwise (for instance, maybe theyre prejudiced against people or his or her race or religion), you should give them the benefit of the doubt that their advice comes from a place of love and protection of you. Allow Them to Get to Know Your Significant Other Better If you think more together time might help your parents become more comfortable with your partner and see him or her as you do, look for and encourage such opportunitiesâ€"invite them out to dinner or to a religious service or sporting event. Encourage your partner to discuss childhood memories, dreams, and goals, so your parents can get to know him or her better. Seeing the two of you together and witnessing your love can help convince them that your fiance will be a supportive and committed life partnerâ€"and a son- or daughter-in-law they can gladly welcome into the family. Consider Counseling An objective third party, such as a licensed marriage and family therapist or clergy member, may be very helpful in getting all of you to improve communication and find viable solutions to this disagreement. A counselor can also help facilitate the forming of a new family structure that includes your spouse. Another option: You and your partner might agree to attend premarital counseling or an Engaged Encounter weekend. This may help alleviate your parents fears that youre marrying too quickly, marrying for the wrong reasons, marrying too young, or marrying the wrong person. Plan for the Future If your parents continue to dislike your spouse even after your marriage, talk about the boundaries and limits you both need to set in your relationship with your parents so their disapproval doesnt become a wedge between you and your spouse. Decide together, for instance, whether or not your spouse will attend your family gatherings or visit your parents with you. Just dont allow your spouse to distance you from your parents. If you choose to attend functions and events alone (or with your children) in order to protect your spouse, thats one thing. But realize that isolating you from friends and family is a red flag in your marriage. Tactics to Avoid Dont use emotional blackmail on your parents to get them to come aroundâ€"even if theres a pregnancy involved and youre a minor who needs their legal consent to marry. Try to understand your folks willingness to be disliked by you as a sign of their love for you. Realize that if you and your partner are truly in love, waiting a few years to get married wont destroy your love for one another.Dont allow your parents reservations to destroy your relationship with your fiance or spouse. Studies show that parental disapproval of a spouse can create distrust, criticism, and conflict in a marriage.?? It can also be a recurring topic of your arguments that can drive a wedge between you both. If this happens, consider seeing a marriage counselor. Dont permit the conflict to escalate to the point of destroying your relationship with your parents. Consider the consequences of a long-term estrangement from your parents and possibly your grandparents, siblings, and other extended family me mbers. Realize that holding grudges and anger can harm your own health as well.Dont ignore second thoughts. If youre having reservations about your relationship, postpone your wedding until youre confident youre making the right decision. Be assured that its less traumatic to call off a wedding than it is to get a divorce. A Word From Verywell A parent who disapproves of your partner choice is not a new concept. It is, however, a painful one. Part of growing up involves making your own choices based on the values you have been raised with. Dont expect your parents to embrace someone who has an addiction, is dependent on you, hurts you in any way, or treats you with disrespect. But, if there are some concerns that can be ironed out, you and your partner as a team can make a big effort to do your part in improving the situation.
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